Tourism spending decline

21 Oct 2014  2055 | World Travel News

BANGKOK  Thailand’s Ministry of Tourism and Sports reported the country’s tourism receipts from international tourist arrivals declined 7.55% during January to September this year.
Released last week, the ministry data reported earnings of THB806,613.56 million in tourism reciepts compared to THB872,468.03 million during the same period last year.
The figures are likely to encourage criticism from leading tourism industry executives who have very little confidence in the ministry’s ability to assess accurately travel spending.
inside no 1Also they would argue that the methodology behind raw data collection and calculations made to reach conclusions on financial performance are unreliable.
They suggest a pooling of resources with expert think tanks, chambers of commerce, the Bank of Thailand and private agencies that have access and skills to monitor spending should be involved in the ministry’s reports to ensure a higher degree of credibility.
The ministry estimates:
East Asia (includes ASEAN–10,195,835 visits) posted the highest tourism revenue of THB343,604.09 million, but it reflected a decrease of 15.60% from THB407,114.96 million.
ASEAN that generated 4,724,574 trips circulated THB126,396.91 million down 10.34% from THB140,970.65 million.
The second top revenue generator was Europe (4,414,733 visits) with THB291,965.38 million up 2.75% compared to THB284,155.00 million.
The Americas generated 788,825 tourists that contributed THB53,590.93 million down 4.03% from THB55,840.31 million.
Tourism revenue from Oceania (712,176 visits) decreased 3.77% from THB51,514.69 million to THB49,574.70 million during the nine months of the year.
South Asia tourists (895,018) recorded a decline of 10.63% in tourism receipts from THB38,115.05 million to THB34,065.24 million.
Middile East tourists (434,461) spent THB26,872.88 million, a decrease of 7.60% from THB29,082.70 million.
Tourism receipts from Africa (117,951 visits) showed an increase of 4.4% from THB6,645.32 million to THB6,940.34 million.
By country, the top five contributors were: China (128,059.89; -16.82%); Russia (76,797.87; +3.16%); the United Kingdom (47,648.12; +3.59%); Australia (44,951.72; -3.39%); and Malaysia (41,172.50; -18.70%).
The country tourism revenue is expected to increase to THB2.2 trillion in 2015 and THB4 trillion in 2018.
Last year, tourism industry generated THB1,207,145.82 million in reciept, an increase of 22.69% from THB983,928.36 million in 2012. 

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