Virtual events enjoy success

10 Nov 2014  2055 | World Travel News

CARRBORO, NORTH CAROLINA  A new white paper released by Tagoras, a consulting firm specialising in the global market for lifelong learning, provides insights into use of virtual conferences and tradeshows by trade and professional associations.
Sponsored by Digitell, a provider of digital and hybrid event services, the white paper draws on data collected in a survey conducted by Tagoras earlier this year.
Out of 112 organisations that responded to the survey, 33% indicated they have held at least one virtual event, while an additional 21.4% said they plan to within the coming year.
Tagoras Virtual Events Report Cover“Over the past few years we have seen virtual events establish a significant and consistent foothold in the association space,” said Tagoras managing director for publications, Celisa Steele. “While it seems unlikely that they will ever replace face-to-face events, they are clearly an important part of the services that forward-thinking organisations offer to their members.”
Based on the survey data collected by Tagoras, organisations that have embraced virtual events have gotten good results. Well over half of survey respondents (64.8%) reported that registrations either met or exceeded expectations. Nearly a fifth (17.9%) of respondents who’d previously held a virtual event indicated attendees gave higher evaluation scores for the virtual event than for a comparable place-based event; 71.4% indicated attendees gave the same or very similar evaluation scores for the virtual event.
The vast majority of organisations that have held a virtual event reported being either very satisfied (41.9%) or somewhat satisfied (54.8%) with the event. Almost two-fifths (38.7%) rate their virtual event as very successful, while another 45.2% said their efforts have been somewhat successful.
In addition to providing data about association usage of virtual events, the report also offers a range of brief case studies. Organisations profiled include the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA), the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA), the Healthcare Financial Management Association (HFMA), the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA), and Radiological Society of North America (RSNA). The case studies serve to highlight both the successes and the challenges these organisations have faced as they have ventured into the world of virtual events. (PRnewswire).
The full complimentary Association Virtual Events report can be downloaded at:

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