Sydney inspires association leaders to be innovative thinkers

02 Jul 2015  2057 | World Travel News

Business Events Sydney (BESydney) and International Convention Centre Sydney (ICC Sydney) have partnered with innovation, diversity and success expert Frans Johansson to deliver exclusive and tailored workshops to valued American association clients.

Held in New York on 26 May and Washington DC on 27 May, the interactive workshops are part of Sydney’s dedicated client offering to help equip associations with the tools and strategies that will allow them to meet the challenges they face in the rapidly changing global environment.

BESydney CEO Lyn Lewis-Smith and ICC Sydney CEO Geoff Donaghy said the inaugural Sydney Speaker Series, to be rolled out globally in the coming months, was representative of the kind of broader value available to associations that partner with Sydney.

“We know that business events have great strategic potential to deliver long-lasting and wide-ranging benefit to communities all over the world. For us, it’s not just about winning an event for the city, it’s about making a difference, it’s about creating value, and it’s about creating a better and brighter future,” said Ms Lewis-Smith.

“In Sydney, we’re committed to genuine partnerships that deliver benefits to both parties over the long term – this includes everything from developing capability in key industry sectors to understanding and helping to address business challenges,” she said.

“These high-end, interactive sessions were designed to help cut through the noise and provide some practical tools and tips to help our clients navigate increasingly uncertain times.”

ICC Sydney CEO Geoff Donaghy added that Sydney’s partnership approach continued at the venue and through the management of each event.

“The depth of our relationships is what ensures we achieve our goals of delivering successful business events. An association’s Sydney experience begins the moment we connect and continues through with the exceptional service we stand by at ICC Sydney when planning, delivering and following up on each event,” said Mr Donaghy.

“We see ourselves as an extension of our clients; delivering on their economic, social and professional development requirements in Sydney,” he said.

“Initial feedback on the sessions suggests we’ve hit the mark. In fact, we know that one of our clients called a debrief session immediately after the workshop and applied some of the techniques she’d just learned in the discussion with her team,” continued Ms Lewis-Smith.

One of the workshop participants, ASAE Senior Manager, Learning Libby Bingham, reflected, “Wow...what a fantastic opportunity to hear Frans Johansson talk about innovation. It was the perfect topic for a city that clearly gets how associations are looking to drive innovation in their programs, products and services. Not only did I walk away with solid ideas on how to cultivate innovation in my daily activities, I got a fantastic picture of how Sydney, with their world-class convention centre development, is at the forefront of such a movement by providing unique educational opportunities like this one to our community.”

And, Lauren Kramer, Vice President, Education and Meetings, AACC added, “Frans was an impactful and thought-provoking speaker. It was great to see old friends and meet new ones at the inaugural Sydney Speaker Series”.

Mr Johansson touched on the Charles Perkins Centre – an example of Sydney innovation – to reinforce the point that cross-functional and diverse teams, across unrelated disciplines, can come up with innovative solutions when given the opportunity to work together and share their unique perspectives.

“Whether we like it or not, the process of innovation is dictated by random combinations of different concepts. Individuals and teams who often break new ground know this and therefore maximise their chances of finding intersectional ideas. They do it by introducing diversity into their occupations, teams, and encounters. The Charles Perkins Centre is a clear example of this kind of remarkable innovation taking place in Sydney,” revealed Mr Johansson.

The city’s strategic focus on working collaboratively with clients to share the benefits of hosting their events in Sydney is paying dividends. BESydney is proud to report that it has now secured more than 20 events for ICC Sydney, due to open in December next year.

IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference in 2018, 1,500 delegates over 5 days, and International Conference on Nanomaterials by Severe Plastic Deformation (NanoSPD) in 2017, 300 delegates over 5 days, are the latest in a growing list of events that are seeing the benefits of working with Sydney. More than 70% of these events are aligned with the state’s priority industry sectors.

“We have a very specific focus on the events that will deliver the greatest returns for our clients – to ensure events held in Sydney are the best they can be. That’s just as much to our benefit as it is to our clients. It’s win-win when you choose Sydney as your event partner!” concluded Ms Lewis-Smith. 

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