Taiwan’s Tropic of Cancer region serves up summer foods from flying fish to bug-bitten teas

30 Jun 2016  2099 | World Travel News

LOS ANGELES, California – The Tropic of Cancer, the 23.5-degree latitude line, cuts through Taiwan creating a climate that has given rise to a diverse and beautiful landscape with some unique native food offerings from the sea and the soil. Among the favorites are flying fish, honey-flavored black tea, Aiyu jelly, mango ice, grass jelly and more.
The first stop for the foodie visitor to Taiwan would be the tiny island of Orchid Island off Taiwan’s east coast where they can enjoy the cuisine of the indigenous Tao tribe. The Tao’s fish-centric diet contains many types of fish including the Alibangbang, a species of flying fish, on which much of their local specialties are based. Alibangbang is prepared in many ways and visitors to this island can try it steamed, fried or in a soup.

Next on the foodie tour is the scenic Huatung Valley on Taiwan’s main island, renowned for its honey-flavored black tea. The tealeaves are bitten by the leafhoppers, this causes a chemical change in the leaf and so the tea takes on its characteristically sweet taste.
Sweet-toothed visitors will not be disappointed. Summertime on the Tropic of Cancer means dessert time. The most famous from this region is the Aiyu or grass jelly. The Aiyu plant is found mainly in Taiwan. The region of Alishan is believed to be the original source of Aiyu. Due to its high altitude, the Aiyu grown in Alishan is sought after by both jelly makers and tasters. The jelly is served over shaved ice and garnished with black sugar and drizzled lemon juice.  
The Siraya National Scenic Area, which is located in southern Taiwan, is famed for the mango ice they produce. During summer, the fresh mango ice from Siraya draws visitors from across the island and is one of the signature desserts of the summer season.
Besides these local specialties, the Taiwan Tourism Bureau has also planned a series of fun activities around Taiwan’s Tropic of Cancer.

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